Dust Free Thinset Removal in Austin, TX
An industry leader offering top-of-the-line flooring services in Austin, Texas. Contact our team of experts for more information about our services in a city near you!
Reputable Company
Exclusive Equipment
Highly Skilled Team
99.99% Dust Free
Are you looking for a dust free thin set removal in Austin, TX? Look no further than DustRam® the industry leader providing you with dust elimination solutions for your commercial or residential property. DustRam® is a 26-times patented dust free tile removal system. Our team solidified a thin-set removal process that leaves no dust, no mess, and no dirt in your home.
Our patented processes, tools, and equipment leave your sub-floor surface flatter, smoother, and better prepared for the floor installation. The DustRam® equipment will flatten any higher spots on the subfloor all while preserving the thin-set in the lower spots. During the thin-set removal, our grinding tools minimize or reduce high spots in the tile or concrete which results in noticeably flatter subfloors. Hire DustRam® Austin for your dust free thin-set removal or contact us for a project estimate.
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Our Patented Vacuums Capture the Silica Dust
Silica is Captured, Contained, and Discarded Far Away From Your Home
Many contractors incorrectly use hammer drills during the ceramic tile concrete removal process which brutally damages your concrete subfloor’s surface & incurs additional unexpected repair costs. These companies remove thin set the old-fashioned way which inevitably leaves you with more dust and more mess. By investing in a dust free thin-set removal, you can avoid all the dreadful problems that occur with traditional processes. Hire DustRam® for your thin-set removal in Austin.
Our team of experts will leave your subfloor better prepared for the new stone, tile, laminate, hardwood, or any type of floor installation. Our dust free methods are one of a kind and rated the best in the world. For more information on our dust free tile removal processes, contact us today. Learn more about the dangers of inhaling crystalline silica dust from a tile removal job.
Removing Thinset From Under the Cabinet
Saltillo Tile Thinset Removal
Our System Grinds Thinset and Profiles Concrete at the Same Time
Your Concrete Subfloor is Left Well Prepared for the Flooring Install
Thin-set removal is the biggest source of dust in a tile removal project. For every pound of thin set that is removed, it creates half a pound to a pound of dust! This is where the DustRam® system provides the largest benefit. With the SurfRam®, we can grind thin-set and profile concrete at the same time. This allows us to remove all thin set off the concrete slab, prepping it for your next floor.
Many tile removal contractors are unable to remove all thin set due to the outdated tools they use, such as scrapers, which leave behind patches of thin set. It is recommended that all thin set be removed before the installation of your next floor to ensure proper bonding. One other contributor to proper bonding is called scarification, and this is achieved by the SurfRam® while we grind your thin set. When we profile concrete, we create tiny grooves called anchor patterns that serve to improve adhesiveness. This ensures that your next floor is as well-bonded as possible.
When you hire DustRam® Austin or a DustRam® certified contractor, you are getting the most value out of your flooring removal service. This is because we offer a two-step removal process that leaves your concrete slab completely bare. That way, your installation team will not have to float over the old thin-set. Since your slab will be completely clear, you can determine the low and high spots more accurately, reducing the need to float the whole floor.
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Outdated Floor Removal Methods Expose You to the Carcinogenic Dust
Don't Put Your Health at Risk - The Long Term Costs are Too High!
Silica dust affects both workers and homeowners. At DustRam® we use our patented – advanced technology to suck up all the dust at the source, leaving your home completely free of silica dust. We guarantee your home will be clean, if not, cleaner than before our team got to it.
Thin-set removal processes produce respirable dust particles that are harmful to your health and can be fatal. The dust created during the thin-set removal procedure is known as crystalline silica dust. According to The American Lung Association, inhalation of silica causes scarring in the lungs and affects your ability to breathe. Traditional tile removal leaves behind many pounds of dust that can take months or years to completely get rid of. Long term exposure to silica can lead to serious lung diseases such as:
- Silicosis
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Lung cancer
- Kidney disease and much more
These dust particles will pervade your home if thinset mortar is removed the traditional way. You can prevent exposure to silica dust by hiring a dust free tile removal contractor to do the job. Contact DustRam® for more information about our dust free thinset removal in Austin, TX.
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New ANSI Tile Thin-Set Mortar Specifications and Standards
DustRam® Grinds Thinset Down to the Concrete Slab Leaving the Subfloor Flatter and Smoother

The ANSI A118.4 dry-set cement mortar specifications serve as the industry standard for commercial and residential tile floor installation. For years now, many entities have improved their abilities beyond the ANSI standard. As a result, ANSI has put into place a new specification distinguishing standard performing thin sets from high performing mortars. In 2013, the new ANSI standard is known as the “Improved Modified Dry-Set Cement Mortar; ANSI A118.15”, was established! The contemporary specification offers a new level of classification for mortars.
Large format tile, exterior veneers, submerged applications, and glass tile are all targets for this kind of thin-set mortar. The new standard can be used to reveal when a project may need higher performing thin-set mortar. Previously, ANSI 118.15 compliant mortars had a large range of performance features which included simply meeting minimal performance criteria. This might have been fitting in some cases but inappropriate for most demanding tile installs.
Dust free thinset removal in Austin is a process created to help combat the plethora of issues that come with the traditional method. Save money, time, and guard your health by choosing a dust free thinset removal with DustRam®. If you are in the market for dust free thinset removal with DustRam®, then contact us today to speak with a specialist. We can provide you with more information and an estimate for your home.